What is an algorithm?
What is an algorithm? (Wee Kean here.) Some time a year ago, for some reason, the then observers and I were reading the following paper . It is related to Hilbert's tenth problem which asks: given any diophantine equation, is there a general algorithm to decide whether the equation has a solution in integer values? But how do we decide what an algorithm can or cannot do? Formalizing algorithms A turing machine is one way to represent computation. Whether or not turing machines can fully encapsulate what algorithms or computability are is not proven . There are other conceptions of computability but they have all shown to be equivalent to the turing machine. Informally, you can imagine a device with a head, an internal state and an infinitely long tape. At each step, the device reads the symbol on the cell and based on its internal state and the symbol read, it writes a symbol (possibly the same one) on the current cell and moves either left or right. Very useful depiction For...