Polynomials with small coefficients

(David here!)

I wanted to talk about a problem I encountered in 2020 during Putnam seminar, and the subsequent exploration I did on it. It's still unresolved but I hope my thought processes could help those who are interested in understanding how to propose problems.

(IMC 2001/4) A polynomial is bipolar if its non-zero cofficients are \(\pm 1\). Suppose \((x-1)^k\) divides a bipolar polynomial of degree \(n-1\). Show that for any prime \(q\) where \[\frac{q}{\log q} < \frac{k}{\log n},\] \(x^q-1\) also divides the polynomial.

Let's dissect what this says. For any \(q\), once a high enough power of \((x-1)\) divides our bipolar polynomial, then we are forced to also have \(x^q-1\) divide it. As an example, when \(q=2\), if \((x-1)^{10}\) divides a bipolar polynomial of degree at most 30, then it forces \(x^2-1\) to also divide it. Spooky!

Solution Sketch. As with any problem with integer restrictions, it turns out that the culprit is something number-theoretic.

Let our bipolar polynomial be \(P(x)\). Substitute \(x=\omega\), a \(q\)-th root of unity \(\omega\). Then, the divisibility tells us that \[(1-\omega)^k | P(\omega).\] It seems like there's nothing wong here, but let's think about these values as numbers (well, we're already saying that one's divisible by the other). If \((1-\omega)\) were a prime, then this forces \(P(\omega)\) to be somewhat large.

We can make this rigorous by defining the norm of a number (denoted \(N(x)\)), which is the number multiplied by all of its conjugates. We need a few facts about the norm: - The norm is multiplicative. (This follows from conjugation is multiplicative.) - Norms (of what?) are integers. Thus, if \(a\mid b\), then \(N(a) \mid N(b)\), so we can use it to properly book-keep divisibility.

Putting it all together: - \(N(1-\omega) = q\), and thus \((1-\omega)^k\) has norm \(q^k\). - On the other hand, we note that \(P(\omega)\) has absolute value at most \(n\), and so does its conjugates, so their product is at most \(n^{q-1}\). - So we must have the relation \[q^k \le n^{q-1} < n^q\] as desired.


In this solution, something fundamental was completely skipped - do there exist bipolar polynomials divisible by \((x-1)^k\) in the first place? (You know, so that the statement is not vacuously true...)

It's not too difficult to eventually invent the following example: \[P(x) = (x-1)(x^2-1)\cdots (x^{2^{k-1}} - 1).\]

So in this case, \(n = 2^k\). But this is still terrible, since \[\frac{k}{\log n} = \frac{k}{k\log 2} = \frac{1}{\log 2} < \frac{q}{\log q}\] which still doesn't give us a non-trivial statement for any prime \(q\). To regain some hope, what we would really like is for there to be some examples where \(n=2^{o(k)}\).

So indirectly, we end up asking the folloing question:

If \((x-1)^k\) divides a bipolar polynomial, how low can its degree be?

A first attempt

Here's a counting argument that shows that \(n = O(k^2 \log k)\) is possible.

The main idea is that any bipolar polynomial is the difference between two \(\{0,1\}\)-polynomials. Then, if two \(\{0,1\}\)-polynomials have the same remainder mod \((x-1)^k\), their difference is bipolar and divisible by \((x-1)^k\), as desired. This isn't immediately helpful (since there are infinitely many remainders mod \((x-1)^k\)), but we can note that a "Taylor expansion" about \(x=1\) gives \[f(x) \equiv \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} \frac{f^{(j)}(1)}{j!} x^j \pmod{(x-1)^k}\] and then now we can do a size bound: \(f^{(j)} (1) / j! \le \binom{n}{j+1}\), just by working termwise with the formula for the \(j\)-th derivative and then using Pascal's identity. Thus, the number of possibilities is at most \[\prod_{j=0}^{k-1} \left(2 \binom{n}{j+1} + 1\right)\lesssim O(n^{k^2})\] then we just pick \(n\) such that \(O(n^{k^2}) < 2^n\) to conclude.

As for a lower bound, the original problem gives us one: if \(\log n = O(\log k)\), then for all primes up to \(q=O(k)\), \(x^q-1\) must divide the bipolar polynomial. The sum of primes up to \(k\) is roughly \(O(k^2/\log k)\). So we've narrowed the value of \(n\) down to a logarithmic gap - not bad foor a first attempt!

Looking at small cases

It helps to also just use Python to brute force looking for the lowest degree bipolar polynomial divisible by \((x-1)^k\) for small \(k\). (It's totally doable using the criteria we had just now - I used to have the code for this but I've lost it...)

For \(k=3\), we have \[P(x) = (1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^3).\] This is weird, because compared to \(Q(x) = (1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^4)\), there isn't a clear reason why \(P\) is still bipolar (but it is).

Continuing, for \(k=4\) we try \[(1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^3)(1-x^5)\] and it still works.

Does the pattern work, with \[P(x) = (1-x) \prod_{p\le N} (1-x^p)?\] Unfortunately, it doesn't, and for a good reason.

A tangent

Turns out we missed something - we could have ran this theorem with things that were not primes! Indeed, we can re-run the argument with any primitive root of unity to get that $\Phi_m(x) | P $ so long as

\[\frac{\phi(m)}{\log \phi(m)} < \frac{k}{\log n}.\]

I think it's pretty cool that this is precisely the obstruction to the pattern earlier failing: for instance, \[P(x) = (1-x) \prod_{p\le N} (1-x^p)\] could never work because eventually you are forced to also have \(\Phi_4(x) = x^2+1\) as a divisor.

POST-EDIT 1: (from Jeck) The argument actually only works for prime powers \(m\). If we plug in the \(m\)-th root of unity as \(\omega\), then the norm of \((1-\omega)\) is now \(\Phi_m(1)\), and \[\Phi_m(1) = \begin{cases} p & \text{if }m=p^\ell, \\ 1 & \text{otherwise}.\end{cases}\]

So, for prime powers \(m=p^\ell\), we must also have

\[\frac{p^{\ell-1}(p-1)}{\log p} < \frac{k}{\log n}.\]

I think it's a really interesting question whether e.g. \(\Phi_6(x)=x^2-x+1\) can be made to work in another way.

POST-EDIT 2: (from Jit Wu and Yan Sheng) The above can be done by first showing that if \((1-x)^k\) divides \(P\), then roughly \((1+x)^{k/\log n}\) divides \(P\). Then we're home free because \(\Phi_6(x) = \Phi_3(-x)\). The question is still open for general cyclotomic polynomials.

Another idea: if we're looking for a construction of the form \[\prod (1-x^{a_i})\] then we can think directly about size. If we plug \(x=e^{2\pi i \theta}\), then the size of \((1-x^{a_i})\) is related to the size of \(\|a_i\theta\|_{\mathbb Z}\) - the distance from \(a_i \theta\) to the nearest integer. So if among the \(a_i\)'s we avoided \(m\) mod \(p\), then we could set \(\theta = m/p\) and maybe will be huge.

Interesting directions: - Can we make a bipolar polynomial divisible by any polynomial we want? - Find larger degree bipolar polynomials which vanish to high degree for \(x=1\). - Explore the connection between the size of the coefficients and the values of \(P\) on the unit circle. - The problem statement fails for large enough \(n\) (with \(k,q\) fixed) - but what does a construction look like? - Try to close the logarithmic gap. This is also related to... - Were we lucky, or does multiplying \((x^n-1)\)'s (or cyclotomic factors) naturally give us bipolar polynomials? (This seems related to the phenomenon that the first cyclotomic polynomial with a coefficient that is not \(\pm 1\) is \(n=105\)...)

POST-EDIT 3: (from Yan Sheng) This problem shows up in Borwein, Edelyi and Kos 1998, Theorem 2.7.

POST-EDIT 4: (from Yan Sheng) If we're thinking about which polynomials can have arbitrarily high powers divide a bipolar polynomial, the answer is (at most) cyclotomic polynomials. I'm lazy, so here's the transcript from Discord.

> Thinking about non-cyclotomic factors
> Fun fact: if p has ±1,0 coeffs and x^2-x-1 divides p(x) then p(x)/(x^2-x-1) also has ±1,0 coeffs
> From this it's easy to show that (x^2-x-1)^2 never divides a bipolar polynomial
> Actually the more general method is to use Jensen's formula to bound number of roots that are in discs of radius <1
> So I guess any polynomial with not all roots on the unit circle can only appear as factors of bipolar polynomials to bounded multiplicity
> Ah but Kronecker says monic integer coeffs with all roots on unit circle must be product of cyclotomics so there's nothing else that's interesting


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